Saturday, December 16, 2006

Get A Cheap Home Owner Insurance Quote

Home owner insurance is not always required. If you live in a home you own
out right, with no lenders or financers you probably are not required to
purchase a home owner's insurance policy. Therefore, you can avoid that
extra insurance bill every month. Good for you, right? Wrong.

Home owner's insurance may seem like just another monthly bill; however, if
you find yourself in a situation in which you've been robbed or your home
has suffered water damage, fire damage, or any kind of damage from weather
elements, those extra monthly insurance bills will suddenly seem like a wise
idea. And, if your neighbor comes knocking at your door one day, only to
fall down an icy stoop? Well, those extra monthly insurance bills will
suddenly seem like an even wiser idea.

So, how can you get a cheap home owner insurance quote to protect yourself
from tragedies and accidents? It's simple, really - you just need to know
how to cut corners; and I don't been in a Scrooge-like, penny pinching way.

First, make indoor home improvements. This means checking out your
electrical system, which could make your home a fire hazard, and plumbing
system, which could make your home susceptible to water damage. Consider
installing durable windows and sturdier locks. A safety alarm system isn't a
bad idea, either.

Next, make some outdoor home improvements. Fix any creaky steps, loose
stones or concrete in your walkway, loose shutters and shingles, and get rid
of any scrap metal you plan to build something with, but neighborhood kid
might want to use as a plaything.

Finally, store all of your very precious and irreplaceable valuables in a
safety deposit box in the bank. Period.

Making these safety changes will show home owner insurance companies you're
serious about keeping your home, your family, your valuables, and your
visitors safe, thus encouraging them to give you a cheap home owner
insurance quote.

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