Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dangerous Careers May Call For More Life Insurance

Not many people like to think about death; actually, most people probably
prefer to avoid the topic altogether. Sometimes death comes with old age.
Grandparents are usually quite old when they pass on, and because of their
age, it's no real shock when they do. Sometimes death comes with shocking
tragic accidents, such as automobile crashes, home-related disasters, and
crime. And, sometimes death accompanies illness and disease.

So, we urge our elders to take care of themselves. We remind our spouses to
drive carefully. We warn our children to stay away from strangers. And we
try to make sure we, and everyone in our lives, avoid contracting illnesses
and diseases. But how many of us worry about the safety of ourselves, our
family members, and our friends at our careers? Beyond just the safety of
the commute back and forth from our careers?

Some of us - but not all.

Despite how safe we feel at work, and how safe we believe our loved ones are
at work, there are several careers that are considered quite dangerous and
can be fatal. Employees of these dangerous careers should consider
purchasing much more life insurance than the average person.

Some of the most dangerous careers include law enforcement, firefighters,
construction workers, truck drivers, aircraft pilots, and farmers. These
careers put workers at risk for dying in the line of duty or dying because
of an equipment malfunction. These careers involve weapons, fire, extremely
large vehicle both on land and in the air, and powerful machinery. Even the
most skilled professional at any one of these careers is at risk for a fatal

Dangerous careers put you, and your family members, at risk for disasters.
If you work in one of these careers, you should seriously consider
purchasing a greater life insurance policy; that is, if your life insurance
company hasn't already recommended or required you to purchase a larger life
insurance policy.

About The Author: North Carolina Car Insurance

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