Thursday, November 23, 2006

Mortgage Life Insurance Bracing Your Home For Disaster

Mortgage life insurance may just be the most powerful security systems that
has ever emerged with a focus of bracing your home for disaster. Having an
insurance policy to cover the amount of your outstanding home mortgage will
ensure the ability of your loved ones to stay in the home in the event of
your death.

Two decades ago, excited new homebuyers could expect to own their own lot
plot of surburbia sometime over the course of the next three decades. But
times have changed, and so have home mortgages. Forty year and fifty year
mortgages are now being made available to an increasing number of
applicants. The possibility of you not living to see the "burning" of your
mortgage papers is highly likely. If your family cannot afford the mortgage
without you, then you must purchase life insurance to protect them.

You would be wise to take out two insurance policies, one for you and one
for your spouse. Even if your spouse does not work, mortgage life insurance
has the ability to provide widowed spouses with a world of good-even if
they've never spent one day working outside of the home. In fact, as long as
they are contributing to the monthly bills, each adult member of your
household should have an insurance policy that will cover the balance of the
mortgage if they die. And contributing doesn't necessarily refer to ponying
up any dough toward household expenses. Packing lunches, wiping noses,
kissing boo-boos, and reading The Cat In The Hat a record four hundred and
fifty-two times also counts as "a household contribution." If that caregiver
passes away, how much will it cost to put your children in daycare? Would
you still be able to afford your home and the daycare?

So, you're middle-aged and not married. It's beginning to look as if you are
eternally destined to check the SINGLE box on your IRS tax forms, think you
don't need mortgage life insurance protection? Think again. For single,
purchasing mortgage life insurance can pay off the balance of your home
mortgage. Give your beneficiaries the freedom, security and time to make an
intelligent decision about what to do with your estate.

By purchasing mortgage life insurance protection for yourself and your loved
ones, you will lessen the devastation caused by the death of a family
member, and shouldn't you consider all possibilities when it comes to the
safety of your loved ones?

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