Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dental Insurance - Is It Important?

Dental insurance pays for dental treatments so that you don't have to pay
for them yourself. Usually dental insurance is provided by your employer
together with your health insurance.
However, it pays to take a closer look because there are many providers and
there are differences in services, costs and treatments covered.

You may also look for a dental insurance when you are unemployed or your
employer doesn't offer it. According to the American Dental Association more
than half of the US population has no coverage for dental care.

There are a few important things to consider when choosing dental insurance.
Some insurances don't cover major dental procedures like crowns or bridges.
Read the agreements carefully and pick an insurance which does not only
provide coverage for basic restoration treatments.

With some dental insurance companies you can not choose the dentist yourself
but must take one which is in their database.
While this hasn't to be bad, it's annoying when your favorite dentist is not
supported and you must go to a different one.

You should also take a close look at the UCR agreement (Usual Customary and
Reasonable). There you can find out how much your insurance is willing to
pay for certain treatments. If your dentist charges more then you may end up
with a difference you have to pay out of your own pocket.

If the insurance company lets you choose the dentist then it's likely they
have an UCR like mentioned. If the insurance just supports a network of
certain dentists then you shouldn't be charged for the difference because
the insurance should already have negotiated the costs with the dentist.

There is also a yearly maximum the insurance is willing to pay.
This limit is usually about $1,000. That means that your insurance only
wants to cover the most important dental treatments and not everything
possible. Cosmetic treatments won't be covered because the insurance will
only pay for procedures where it sees a real physical need for it.

If you look for an insurance therefore that covers cosmetic dentistry
procedures like teeth whitening or porcelain veneers then you won't find
many. There are companies though who can help you to finance your dream of
perfect white teeth. Other companies offer significant discounts, also for
cosmetic dentistry. Since the discounts are anywhere between 10% and 35% and
cosmetic enhancements are very pricey, you can save a lot of money.

There are so many dental insurance providers that it pays to compare. On my
web site I have mentioned some of the companies for
your further interest.

About The Author: Frank Denber provides detailed information on dental
insurance, teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, porcelain
veneers and more at his web site

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